This betrays a woeful lack of full understanding of the correlation among social programs, democracy, equity and economic growth, and of enough em. 这说明社会项目与经济增长之间复杂的相互作用的关系在我国还没有得到充分的认识,并进而在经济社会发展中得到足够的重视。
Thyroid full volume, residual volume and residual rate showed linear positive correlation with the postoperative thyroid function. 甲状腺全量、残留量、残留率与术后甲功呈直线正相关。
By introducing the predictive motion vector to motion estimation stage in video coding, predictive diamond searching ( PDS) is used to get steady and smooth motion field, making full use of the correlation of adjacent blocks. 这种编码方法在运动估计的过程中引入了预测性运动矢量的概念,利用预测性菱形搜索(PDS)计算出稳定且平滑的运动矢量场,充分利用了相邻块运动矢量的相关性。
The Full Correlation Analysis Method on Wind Field Measurement 利用全相关分析方法确定大气风场
A laser field that contains both additive and multiplicative noise are analysed based on a full saturation laser model. The numerical solution of intensity correlation time T c as well as the exact formulas of effective eigenvalue λ eff are calculated. 用全饱和激光模型对既含有加性又含有倍增噪声的激光场进行理论分析,求出了强度相关时间Tc的数值解和有效本征值λef的解析解。
Performance analysis shows that with uncorrelated transmit and receive antennas the TAS/ MRC scheme can achieve full diversity gains and if all the transmit antennas are used, the diversity gains of the system decrease as receive correlation increases and degrades the performance of the system. 性能分析表明:采用不相关的发射和接收天线,TAS/MRC方法能实现满分集增益;随着接收相关的增强,系统的分集增益减小,性能下降;
The main idea of the full core plus correlation ( FCPC) method and its important achievements are reviewed. 在概述原子结构理论现状及主要理论方法的基础上,评述了全实加关联方法(FCPC)的主要思想和重要成就。
But most of algorithms carry through fast search without taking full advantage of the correlation of spatial and temporal between motion vectors, so, the quality of image and search speed is not satisfied. 块匹配中多数算法没有充分利用运动向量之间的时间和空间的相关性就进行快速搜索,从而影响了图像的质量和搜索的速度。
If the hull surface is full rough, the aforesaid relation can be applied to conduct ship-model correlation by the results of model experiment. In addition, it is suggested that the viscous resistance of rough streamline body does not change with the Reynolds number. 若实船船体表面为全粗糙表面,则可以利用上述关系式根据船模阻力试验结果换算实船阻力,得出了粗糙流线型物体的粘性阻力不随雷诺数而变的结论。
It makes the full use of the correlation of wavelet coefficients in each band. Based on the statistical properties of wavelet coefficients, an area combined coding algorithm is proposed with low implementation complexity. 该算法充分地利用了小波系数的带内特性,根据小波系数的概率分布特性提出区域联合编码算法,算法复杂度低。
Subsequently, the approximate region of shear band was identified firstly in the full observed scope on the image by coarse image correlation analysis for saving time. 接着,在图像全局观测范围内粗略搜索到剪切带发生的大致区域;
According to GHZ theorem, the full correlation of three particles can give the nonstatistical criterion of quantum entanglement, which is more reliable than Bell inequality, which is based on statistical property. 由GHZ定理可知,三粒子的完全关联可以给出量子纠缠存在的非统计判据,这种判据比基于统计性质的Bell不等式更为可靠。
The higher-order ( k ≥ 3) cumulant of increment are proposed to remove Gaussian noise and get higher-order estimations of turbulence characteristics, which can't be obtained from the general 2nd order methods ( Full Correlation Analysis and Full Spectral Analysis). 阶数k≥3时,对高斯噪声有很强抑制;同时可以得到风场参量的高阶估计,这是普通的二阶方法(如全相关分析、全谱分析)不具备的。
The benefit of such a structure is the full use of the correlation of the respective channels, information is more sufficient, and the estimated control amount is more accurately. 这种结构的好处是,充分利用了各通道的相关性,信息充足,估计出来的控制量更准确。
The result of target acquisition can be used in the target tracking system, especially in multi-target tracking. Making full use of the characteristics information of targets for target matching can help to achieve the target track correlation, reducing the probability of failure of target tracking. 将目标录取结果应用于目标的跟踪系统,尤其是多目标跟踪时,充分利用目标的特征信息,进行目标匹配,可以辅助实现目标的航迹相关,减小目标跟踪失败的概率。
The CRF model made full use of the spectrum correlation and spatial correlation of hyperspectral image, but in some cases, contextual information is not necessary, this paper introduces a method of minimum distance for limit information renewal. 条件随机场模型充分利用了超光谱图像的谱相关性和空间相关性,利用空间邻域信息进行信息修正,然而在部分情况下,信息修正并非必要,本文引入最小距离法对信息更新加以限制。
Multi-source image fusion technology make full use of the correlation of different sensors on the space-time and the complementary information, combine the feature of multi-spectral images in the same scene together, then give a more comprehensive and clear description of the scene. 多源图像融合技术就是利用不同传感器在时空上的相关性及信息上的互补性,将同一场景的多光谱图像信息特征组合到一起,从而完成对该场景更全面、清晰的描述。
Apply modern internet retrieval technique into archive information retrieval; make full use of text mining as basis, brought forward the concept of correlation degree between archives, which makes automatic clustering between archives possible to follow. 此次成功的将现代互联网检索技术应用于档案信息检索中,以文本数据挖掘技术为基础,提出了档案间的相关度的概念,使得不同档案之间的自动聚类成为可能。
In the non-rhizosphere, full phosphorus and effective Manganese showed a significant positive correlation, available phosphorus had a significant positive correlation with available Zn. 在非根际中,全磷磷与有效锰锰呈显著正相关性,速效磷与有效锌呈显著正相关性。
The synchronization of the two systems and the patch distributing strategy are taken into full consideration during the designing and implementing process, and meanwhile log administration, module password, knowledge base correlation analysis and manual analysis is also designed in detail. 设计和实现的过程中充分考虑了两者的同步问题以及补丁的分发策略等问题,同时在日志管理、模块加密、知识库的关联分析、人工分析方面也做了详细的设计。
The method can give full play to the advantages of PCA technology in data dimensionality reduction and in addition to correlation, which greatly simplified the complex test data. 该方法可以充分发挥PCA技术在数据降维、除相关性上的优势,极大的简化复杂的检测数据。
This algorithm established a predicted motion vector state set by making full use of the correlation between the motion vectors of frames and views. 该算法充分利用帧间、视角间相关性,建立预测矢量状态集合。
By means of full correlation in database of Pro/ ENGINEER, we finally realize the parameterization design of drawings with the help of parameterization design of models. 至此,借助于Pro/ENGINEER的数据库全相关性,本论文通过对零件模型的参数化设计实现了对零件工程图的参数化绘制。
Under full daylight and all shades there are no significant positive correlation between stomatal conductance and net photosynthetic rate. 气孔导度与光合速率在所有光照下相关性均不显著。
Furthermore, two modified algorithms are proposed, one is an improved Round Robin scheduling algorithm of full bandwidth, the other is multi-cell user co-scheduling algorithm of partial bandwidth with a combined consideration of the user fairness and the channel correlation based on CoMP. 接着,提出了一种全带宽的改进轮询调度算法和基于CoMP的结合考虑用户公平性和信道相关性的部分带宽多小区用户联合调度算法。
Results: The regression test for the full sample, managers, academic level, educational background and management of excessive investment scale and significant negative correlation between the sex ratio of managers and term life and a positive correlation between over-investment. 通过本文的研究发现,管理者的学历水平、教育背景和管理层的规模与企业过度投资呈显著负相关关系,管理者的性别比例和任期年限与过度投资呈正相关关系。
For spectral unmixing, the linear spectral mixing model and the solution using the method of least squares under the full constrained conditions are studied. For subpixel mapping, spatial correlation is analyzed. 光谱解混技术方面,主要研究了线性光谱混合模型及其在全约束条件下的最小二乘法解法;亚像元定位技术方面,主要分析了高光谱图像的空间相关性,并利用该性质实现了亚像元定位。
We study the billiards tracking method. By the results of billiards detection, according to time-dependency of billiards movement, we make full use of the characteristics of the billiards in the former frame to track the billiards in following frame based on the inter-frames correlation. 3. 2台球运动跟踪方法研究,在台球初始位置得到后,依据台球运动的时间相关性,充分利用前一帧分割的台球的基本特征,采用基于帧间跟踪方式跟踪后续帧中的台球。
Then studied the beamforming scheme based on eigenvalue distribution, scheme makes a full use of the channel correlation information, so the MIMO system can get channel diversity gain. 接着研究了基于信道相关性信息的波束赋形方案,方案充分利用了信道的相关性信息,为MIMO系统提供信道分集增益。